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  • What to Expect

    An initial acupuncture session will include a thorough medical history intake and physical examination to determine the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) diagnoses. Next, the acupuncture needles will be inserted into specific acupuncture points. Follow-up acupuncture sessions include a brief medical history intake followed by needle insertion.
    Patients are typically lying down on a comfortable exam bed with the needles for approximately 30-60 minutes per session. Patients are recommended to wear loose or comfortable clothing so that acupuncture points can easily be accessed by the acupuncturist.

  • How to Prepare

    To get the most out of the treatment, please review these guidelines:

    • Avoid being hungry during a treatment, but also do not overeat immediately before or after your treatment. Small snacks or meals prior to or after treatment are fine.
    • Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes that can easily roll up to the elbows and above the knees. If this isn’t possible, gowns and drapes will be provided.
    • Avoid over-exertion of all kinds prior to and after treatment. Moderate exercise is okay.
    • Avoid consumption of alcoholic beverages 6 hours before or after treatment
    • If possible, plan your activities so that you can rest after the treatment. Or, at least not have to work too hard! This can be helpful to extend the relaxing and rejuvenating effects of the treatment.