• About Us

  • Sung Ah Park

    Licensed Acupuncturist

    LAc, Phd, QME

  • Dr. Park graduated from Samra University with Summa Cum Laude and received her Master's Degree in Oriental Medicine in 1998. She received California acupuncture license in 1999. She was certified as a Qualified Medical Evaluator in 2007 to analyze cases in worker's compensation. She received her Doctorate of Philosophy in 2011. She was a member of Face Academy in the United States which researches facial acupuncture techniques for facial rejuvenation or facial conditions in the Asian medicine view and has been practicing facial needling techniques in her office. She is a member of Traditional Acupuncture and Moxibustion Research Institute (TMSarang) in the United States since 2006 and applies various kinds of moxibustion to patients according to their conditions. Dr. Park is also listed under health professionals, which you can access by clicking on the image below.

  • Jae Joo

    Licensed Acupuncturist

    LAc, Dipl. OM, DACM

  • Dr. Jae Joo graduated from South Baylo University with Summa Cum Laude and received Master's of Science in Oriental Medicine in 2016 . He received his California acupuncture license and was certified as a Diplomat of Oriental Medicine in 2017. In April 2019, he graduated from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine with a Doctorate in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine.

  • *We aim to address not only the symptoms, but the root.*
